Diversity & Inclusion

Our Stance

reUnify yoga studio believes that yoga studios, classes and communities should feel safe & welcoming to EVERYONE, and we mean everyone. We are constantly learning and evolving-- informing ourselves & each other on how to be a more inclusive space. Part of co-creating an inclusive environment means having both teachers & students that are justice-involved, people of color, folx who identify as LGBTQ+, and those with disabilities.

Whether you would like to join reUnify as a teacher or a student, please know that we would be honored to have you share your experience and learn from your offerings. Sharing all perspectives helps to cultivate understanding, interconnectedness, and an anti-racist, anti-abelist community. 

As we discuss diversity and inclusion, let's take a look at the elephant in the room. We are well-aware that teaching yoga can be considered cultural appropriation. This is why we do our best to honor the traditions, engage in reciprocity by giving back, and bring as many diverse voices into the practice as we can. 

Yoga means 'yolking,' or 'union.' Union excludes NO ONE. This practice is meant to reveal the oneness of all that is. We want to be in line with that practice through action, word, and thought.

—Nikki Rae Bose, reUnify founder

& the reUnify team.