Karma Yoga


What is Karma Yoga?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna defines Karma Yoga as the spiritual practice of "selfless action performed for the benefit of others". Karma Yoga is a path of selflessly devoting one’s actions to serve others with the Divine in mind. By serving others, it is a way of serving the Divine, as the Divine is within every person and every-thing. This act of selfless service purifies the mind of egoic tendencies and dissolves the illusion of separation, guiding a practitioner to reach Moksha (liberation from suffering).

While serving others is a common action to take while engaging with Karma Yoga, the ancient texts state that it is not necessarily the context of the action that is the practice. Any action we take - washing the dishes, waiting on line at the grocery store, speaking to a waitress at the restaurant - all of our day to day actions can be used as a practice to experience Moksha. The practice begins when we release our attachment to what our individual self will receive from our action, and wholeheartedly do it as a complete offering to a higher power. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna, “Do what you do, but offer the fruits of it to me”. Essentially, Karma Yoga is an opportunity to spiritualize our life. To use what we do everyday as a means of coming closer to the Divine. Every action, every conversation, every thought, is an opportunity to deepen our way of remembering the inherent Oneness of existence.

How can your life be an offering to the Divine?

Seva: Selfless Service

Volunteer! A prominent part in the Yogic path is selfless service. Ancient yogis knew very well that the journey home to Oneness requires acts of service to others. This is the physical implication of alignment to that knowing of union. We must do all that we can to help our communities and beyond, as our existence on this planet is inextricably interwoven.

Want to get in person volunteer experience? Join our monthly Seva trips to Mexico, where we spend time with kids in the local communities in Baja. Learn more here.

Rightful Action

It’s time to spiritualize your life. Practice isn’t just for when we’re in meditation or practicing asana, the path of a Yogi extends into every thing we do. What tasks of the day do you really despise? What part of your life, weither it’s your job, your commute, running errands, etc. that doesn’t excite you? Practice invoking the devotional quality you have for your spiritual practice and infuse it into these tasks. Be fully present, attentive, and see everything as an offering to a higher power. That is your Yoga.

Let Go of Your Attachment to Outcomes

Selfless service is a practice of performing an action without any desire for something in return. Do you notice sometimes when you do something for someone, you expect something back? Karma Yoga isn’t about what you get out of it, but it is about the object, person, vision you are serving. Let this practice quiet the ego’s tendencies to want recognition or a clap of a “good job” , and let that quieting open your heart to something greater beyond. Observe when your mind develops expectations or personal motives, and let the devotion to your practice dissolve them and remind you of the greater purpose. The fruits of your efforts to Karma Yoga will penetrate through the mind and open you back to the heart.